Drug-Free Schools & Communities

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act was passed in 1989 as part of the re-authorization of the Higher Education Act and requires institutions of higher education that receive federal funding to execute a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program for its campus community. As part of this, the college is required to notify all members of the campus community on an annual basis about the various prevention and education programs, resources, policies, and laws.

Sign posted outside of a building stating that no drugs are allowed in that area.

The publication of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Guide provides the campus community with information on standards of conduct, sanctions for violations, prevention programming, health risks associated with alcohol and drug use, and local, state, and federal laws related to drug and alcohol use, and on-campus and community resources that are available to students, faculty, and staff. ÌÇÐÄVlog policies related to alcohol and illicit drug use are informed by state and federal laws, such as Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, Drug-Free Workplace Act, and Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act.