If you are interested in receiving tutoring,
- Visit our new all-in-one tutoring platform,
- Fill out a Tutor Request Form
Tutors are available by appointment or walk-in for some disciplines.
Peer Tutors Needed
The Learning Commons is always on the lookout for new and qualified tutors.
All tutors must have received a 3.5 or higher GPA in the class for which they tutor, or must be recommended by an instructor.
If you meet the above requirement, please fill out and submit our and contact The Learning Commons at (269) 294-4295.
One-on-one virtual tutoring is available through Canvas via NetTutor.
- If you choose to utilize this service, you do not need to fill out the Tutor Request Form.
- Sign into your Canvas account.
- Select any of your available course shells.
- A NetTutor option will be available in the left hand navigation menu.
- Once you are in the NetTutor website, you may choose any course from the list of available disciplines.