Testing Center

Testing Services

Placement Testing: For placement testing, ALEKS is used for math, and Accuplacer is utilized for English & Writing placement. Process for each described below:

ALEKS Testing

  1. The Learning Commons receives the testing request from a GOCC advisor.
  2. A Learning Commons staff member will register the tester (student) for the placement test.
  3. After they receive the email, the tester is free to take test at their convenience.
  4. The tester logs in with the given credentials & completes the math placement test.

Accuplacer Testing

  1. The Learning Commons receives a list of students who need to take the Accuplacer test from one of the advisors.
  2. However, the tester (student) has to contact the Learning Commons to make an appointment to take the placement test in our testing area.
  3. The day of the appointment, the tester will want to bring their photo ID to the Learning Commons to take their scheduled exam.

Late and missed appointments will need to be rescheduled.

On-Campus Testing

Glen Oaks Courses:

We provide proctoring services for both online and paper tests.

Certification Courses

Testing is available for the following by appointment through the certifying body:

  • Pearson VUE
  • Nursing Certifications
  • Allied Health Certifications